Simple SEO tips

Simple SEO tips

I’m writing this article because there are no simple SEO tips that I know of and would like to explain SEO to you as clearly as I can.

SEO is not simple by any means. It is the most talked about subject on the internet, with so many conspiracies to what may get you “overnight top rankings”. In my experience as a webmaster, there is no such thing. You must link build and update your content regularly just to even stand a chance against other websites. People are all trying to SEO for the wrong reason, hence the millions of competitors you have for such simple search terms. If you want to blog for a living, in my opinion, you must drop everything and put nearly 100% of your time into it.

Here is what you should spend your time doing:

Content Writing – 45%
Link Building – 45%
On-Site Optimization (Making sure your pages HTML validate) – 10%

Your content writing and link building merge together. When I say content writing it doesn’t just mean content for your site. It means that you can submit articles to other sites with your link included in the article. This is the easiest method I have found to gain fast links without spamming. Out of all the content you write, about 60% should be for your own site and 40% to article directories and to partner sites with the same topic.

When you are link building, you shouldn’t make your links to generic. For example I’m trying to optimize my site for the keywords “seo tips”, this means I shouldn’t have “seo tips” as the anchor text for every back link to my site, as it looks like spam and un-natural to Google.

Other ways I have found of link building are just contacting other related topic website owners and just asking them if they want to swap links. A good mixture of reciprocal and one way links is always healthy. You need to mix it up as much as you can so Google doesn’t see your link building as predictable. You need to keep shocking it with new links from different domains with different anchor text.

Not even all your links have to go to your home page. Deep links (links that point to individual pages in your site that may not be in the top-level directory) are always good to have, as this gives off the impression that people are linking to your content because they find it useful. Google loves good content.

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