7 Useful Features Of WordPress Web Design

7 Useful Features Of WordPress Web Design

WordPress has effectively changed the way most bloggers and business owners operate on the Internet, allowing for a cheap and simple solution to gain online presence with ease. From blogs to local mom-and-pop shops to large corporations, the universally popular content management system can, and does, handle it all. There are many reasons users have found their WordPress websites to be superior to traditional sites, but there are a few key standard features and enhancing tools that are sure to make your WordPress web design stand out from the competition.

Uncomplicated Setup and Maintenance

WordPress was created for even the least tech savvy person to be able to figure out installation on their own or with minimal guidance. However, since it is a free platform to use, you may choose to step away from the task of building a website altogether and decide to spend your budget wisely on a WordPress web design expert that can take care of all the extra details when it comes to your desired customizations and security setup. WordPress gives you the freedom to construct whatever kind of website you need (portfolio, government, non-profit, community forum, etc.) and manage content from there with new posts, pages and media in whichever one of the 70 languages WordPress is offered in.


WordPress encourages its users to be interactive with their community, customers and followers through its built-in comments tool. Website owners can make their content more engaging by offering a place for commentary, feedback and discussions to develop, which can be easily moderated.

Search Engine Friendly

WordPress is Google-approved, which any Internet user should realize is a significant feat to accomplish. Though search engine optimization is largely taken care of for you as soon as your WordPress website is built, there are several things you can do to make it even better. Some of these actions include cleaning up codes, customizing permalinks and creating keyword rich content.


Security is one of the biggest issues of having any kind of important data up on the Internet. Many users have an understandable fear of hackers or malware attacking all their hard work and valuable files, but WordPress has allowed its users to harden their sites against uninvited guests and other potentially damaging circumstances with a few easy adjustments. Nothing on the Internet will ever be 100 percent safe, but using WordPress increases your chances of dodging disaster.


This may be one of the most favored features of WordPress web design. Themes add a special touch of uniqueness to websites that really want to be recognized as appealing. Themes can be as simple or complex as you like and can convey the heart of what a blog or business is all about.


Plugins can improve your WordPress website design in many areas. If you can think of a specific feature you need, more than likely there’s a plugin for it. You can add plugins for social networking, SEO purposes, security, backup, calendars, and the list goes on.


WordPress was originally used as a blogger platform and eventually evolved into so much more. Using the content management system for a business or organization doesn’t take away from the benefits of having a blog. Blogging will allow your company to build a relationship with existing and potential customers, answer their questions and constantly add fresh content to your website.

There are many more features offered that can be beneficial to your WordPress web design as well. The final outcome of your website should ultimately be up to you, and that’s exactly what WordPress allows for.

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