Digital Marketing – Top Tips for Small Business

If there is one industry that has undergone a revolution and disruption in the past decade it would have to be marketing. There has been a significant change in how businesses market their products and services. Most businesses today have an online presence. And many have moved to sell their products online on eCommerce platforms. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has further transformed eCommerce like never before.

Digital marketing has transformed how businesses develop and implement their marketing strategy. A decade ago, television, print, radio, billboards, and direct mail dominated the industry. Today the emphasis is on reaching consumers through the digital world. Businesses across the world are struggling to keep up to speed with the pace of change and technological advances in the digital space.

While digital marketing has posed fresh challenges to small businesses, it has also helped to level the playing field in a competitive marketplace. A large part of remaining competitive as a small business in the digital marketing industry is learning to harness the power of the internet.

Here we provide with top 7 tips to help your business succeed in the digital world.

Get Your Basics Right

Does your business have a website? If you answered yes, congratulations. If your answer was no, get one built right away. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to build a website. You could either use one of the many online website builders or hire a freelancer to build the website for you. Nevertheless, the one thing you need to make sure is that your website is mobile-friendly. With more and more people using their mobile devices, it is critical that your website loads well on mobile devices.

Differentiate Yourself

As a small business leader, you will never compete in marketing budgets with your bigger competitors. The only way you will compete is by differentiating yourself and positioning yourself in the digital world. Research your competitors and find out ways to differentiate yourself. Say you offer plumbing services. Can you offer something unique that your competitor cannot? Perhaps you can offer a 24-hr service. The bottom line is to think creatively about differentiating.

Understand and Use SEO

Having a website and differentiating yourself is only half the job done. On the internet, you must make sure people find you. This is where SEO or search engine optimization comes in. SEO is all about improving your search engine ranking result and making it easier for consumers to find your products and services online. Good website design and SEO will give you the edge you need to succeed in the digital space.

Develop an Email Marketing Plan

In this era of text messaging and WhatsApp, email is still relevant. Email remains one of the most effective digital marketing tactics out there and offers several benefits to small businesses. Having said that make sure not to overdo it. Email marketing for small businesses is not about trying to sell something, it is about providing value to your customers and then offering them your products and services.

Partner with Local Influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the guerrilla tactics that small businesses can use to compete and succeed in the digital marketplace. Cooperating with the right influencer for your niche can make a vast difference in your sales volumes and customer base. Research the micro-influencers, and online executive learning platforms in your industry and partner with them to target your focused prospects.

Have a Social Media Strategy

You probably have a Facebook business page for your small businesses. But do you have a social media strategy? Do you know which social media platforms your target audience uses the most? Having an effective social media strategy can help give you an edge in digital marketing. Further, by having a social media strategy, don’t forget to determine a budget for promotion since you have to pay to get your content seen.

Focus on Content

You have probably heard the phrase. “Content is King”. Guess what? It is still true. In an age where information has become a commodity, good content always comes out a winner. By publishing relevant and well-written content in combination with effective SEO practices, your site will be more likely to attract visitors. To be more effective, focus on producing video content. 97 % of marketers say that videos helped increase user understanding of their products and services.

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