Close the tab (or close Chrome if only one tab is open)
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8
Switch to the first tab, the second, etc.
Switch to the last tab
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Page Up
Switch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Ctrl+Page Down
Switch to the previous tab
Open a new window
Open a new incognito window
Ctrl+Shift+W/ Alt+F4
Close the current window
Open the link in a new background tab
Open the link in a new foreground tab
Open the link in a new window
Download the link
Ctrl + click on “Search Google for” from a drop down menu
Open Google search in a new background tab
Shift + click on “Search Google for” from a drop down menu
Open Google search in a new window
Drag link to an existing tab
Open the link in the selected tab
Drag link to tab bar
Open the link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip
Hold Ctrl + click on tabs in the tab bar
Select multiple tabs (to rearrange them or create a new window)
Hold Shift + click on two tabs in the tab bar
Select all the tabs between two tabs (to rearrange them or create a new window)
2. Address Bar
Ctrl+L/ Alt+D
Set focus to the address bar (highlights the current webpage URL if available)
Set focus to the toolbar
Ctrl+E/ Ctrl+K
Enter search query in the address bar
Arrow Down to highlight, then Shift + Delete
Remove a prediction from the address bar
Type search term and press Enter
Perform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or the URI
Type and press Alt+Enter
Open the site or a search in a new foreground tab
Type and press Win+Enter
Open the site or a search in a new background tab (doesn’t work in Windows 10)
Type and press Shift+Enter
Open the site or a search in a new window
Type and press Ctrl+Enter
Add www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in the current tab
Type and press Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Add www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new foreground tab
Type and press Ctrl+Win+Enter
Add www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new background tab (doesn’t work in Windows 10)
Type and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Add www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new window
Type name of search engine and press Tab
Tab-to-Search feature. E.g. Typing in ‘’ plus tab opens yahoo search. Add/edit search engines via ‘Under the Hood’ -> Basic -> Search Engines.
3. View Webpages
Alternate focus between address bar, bookmarks bar and webpage
Arrow Down/Arrow Up
Scroll down / scroll up
Page Down/Page Up
Scroll one page down / up
Scroll one page down / up
Jump to beginning / to end of webpage
Zoom in / zoom out (or Ctrl+mousewheel)
Ctrl+0 (zero)
Return zoom to normal text size
View webpage source
Turn full screen on / off
Turn fullscreen on / off for some video types (e.g. YouTube)
Mute / unmute some video types (e.g. YouTube)
4. Browse between Webpages
Jump to homepage
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow Right
Jump to previous webpage visited / jump to next webpage
Reload current webpage
Reload current webpage with cache override
Stop webpage loading
5. Browse within Webpages
Tab/Shift+Tab with focus on webpage
Jump to next / previous link
Enter on link
Open link in current tab
Ctrl+Enter on link
Open link in a new background tab
Shift+Ctrl+Enter on link
Open link in a new foreground tab
Shift+Enter on link
Open link in a new window
Alt+Enter on link
Download link
Open context menu (simulate right mouse button)
Select all content on webpage
Ctrl+C with content selected
Copy selected content to clipboard
6. Access Browser Features
Print current webpage (Chrome Print Dialog)
Print current webpage (Native Windows Print Dialog)
Open file
Save current webpage
Open Wrench Menu (I’d call it file menu to remember the shortcut)
Open History tab
Open Downloads tab
View Google Task manager
Chrome Help
Open the Clear Browsing Data options
7. Search
Find text on webpage. Press Enter for.
Enter/Shift+Enter with text found on webpage
Find next / find previous match
Ctrl+G/Ctrl+Shift+G with text found on webpage
Find next / find previous match
With focus on Search box: Close Search box
8. Bookmarks Shortcuts
Show or hide bookmarks bar
Open Bookmark Manager
Add bookmark for current webpage
Saves all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
Drag URL to bookmark bar
Bookmark webpage (can be URL from address bar or link from page)
Alt+F, then B
Open Bookmark Manager Tab
9.Manage Chrome Development Tools
Accessing DevTools and DevTools Basics
Ctrl+Shift+I (or F12)
Open Developer Tools
Open Developer Tools (With Focus on Javascript Console)
Toggle Element Inspection mode
Ctrl+Shift+C (2x)
Switch Focus on Developer Tools (there is not really a shortcut for focusing on the Developer Tool, but this is a workaround. Watch the Inspector Mode Icon change color as you press for guidence. Finally, this works only if DevTools are docked; if they are not, simpy switch between windows with Alt+Tab)
Show General Settings Dialog (press Esc to exit)
Switch to next / Switch to previous panel (add Alt to the combination to reverse the direction)
Dock / Undock Developer Tool
Toggle (mobile) Device Mode
Search Text in Source
Search Text across sources
Search by Filename
Zoom in / Zoom out Developer tools
Ctrl+0 (zero)
Zoom to default
Elements Panel
Ctrl+Arrow Up
Focus on the Elements content (this is strangely nowhere documented, but worked for me; without this one, you cannot use any of the other shortcuts below without clicking on the content first)