DigitalDuniaBlogs Blog

7 Useful Features Of WordPress Web Design

WordPress has effectively changed the way most bloggers and business owners operate on the Internet, allowing for a cheap and simple solution to gain online presence with ease. From blogs to local mom-and-pop shops...

Hosting Factors that Affect SEO

When selecting a website host, website owners and Web masters should be well aware of some server or hosting obstacles that, when encountered; can negatively affect your ongoing SEO efforts. Here are a few...

What Are The Benefits of SEO?

Every wondered what the benefits of SEO are? As a long-term marketing strategy, SEO is one of the most cost effective customer acquisition tools. Simply put, when a business ranks organically or “naturally” on...

SEO Link Building A to Z

SEO link building and increasing traffic is not always easy, this task can prove even more difficult when trying to target search terms that are deemed to be HIGHLY competitive. Even though it may...

Backlink Sites List

We all know how important backlinks are for bloggers and website owners.Today I am publishing few sites from where we can create backlinks for our websites. So here it is… Backlink Sites List

Gravatars – More Bang For Your (Commenting) Buck

It’s a little thing, but nice – those fancy pictures by the comments on some blogs. They’re Gravatars, from (obviously) The name stands for Globally Recognized AVATAR, and it’s the image that accompanies...

Commenting Etiquette

On most WordPress blogs there exists the comments form – and on that form is a unique opportunity to hear from visitors. Unfortunately, the percentage of good comments versus spam (the “signal to spam”...

The Relationship Between Content and SEO

As search engines like Google evolve over time, their mission is to direct users to the exact content they are looking for. Products, blogs, images, and any other form of content that can be...

Happy Independence Day 2020

No matter what our religion, in the end, we are all Indians. May our nation become the most prosperous in the world. Happy Independence Day!

7 Ways of using blogs to boost your business

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of content marketing, and now more than ever, most business websites concentrate significant, sustained effort to turn out high-quality, shareable content across multiple platforms. Blogging boosts your business,...

5 Ways to Increase Blogging Productivity

Improving your productivity as a blogger is of utmost importance if you want to succeed. It’s easy to lay prey to pitfalls such as procrastination and poor time management since you have full control...

5 Important Tips To Write A Killer Article

An article is the best way to show and review the content of any website. It’s the sum and substance of contents of about that website. So writing a killer article is very important...

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