How To Blog Right: Are You Blogging – Or THINKING, Then Blogging?

How To Blog Right: Are You Blogging – Or THINKING, Then Blogging?
How To Blog Right: Are You Blogging – Or THINKING, Then Blogging?

Blogs benefit from energy – but if the energy is misplaced or misdirected, it can really hurt your blog’s chances.

Sounds stupid/silly/obvious?

Yes – and no. The proof is that posts occasionally vanish on blogs.

We’ve all seen it – a somewhat ‘out there’ rant that’s gone the next day.

People occasionally write THEN think. The result, even if online for a few minutes, can affect people, and not always positively – and can hurt your blog. The key is to avoid it whenever possible.

My suggestions:

  • Think. Understand the reason for the post. If you find yourself emotional about getting the post written, ask yourself if the result will be something you want on your blog.
  • Delete. The reason is that no matter how charming a paragraph, sentence, or even a turn of phrase is at the time, if it doesn’t HELP your blog, then it’s out. Same for a whole post.
  • Wait. If a post stirs you up, it could stir others up. I recommend sitting on the post for a little while. When you’re cooler, ask yourself if the post is still worthy of your blog.
  • Edit. If you have a sentence that crosses into liable, rewrite or delete the sentence. If a little cutting and rewriting can salvage a good post, then do so.
  • Share. Let someone else (offline) read it. Not only do you want feedback, you want to know if it riles up other people, too.

Passion is an essential part of every good blog. But misdirected passion can get you in hot water – or at the very least muddle the message your blog is sending out, and interfere with your chances of success.

Watch what you write, plan – and then post only your best.

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