Gravatars – More Bang For Your (Commenting) Buck

Gravatars – More Bang For Your (Commenting) Buck

It’s a little thing, but nice – those fancy pictures by the comments on some blogs.

They’re Gravatars, from (obviously)

The name stands for Globally Recognized AVATAR, and it’s the image that accompanies your email address, and that blogs understand and use (of course, the blog must understand how to use them – not all do)

To set one up:

  • Go to the Gravatar Central, at
  • Sign up with an email account – note that this account should be for the email you’ll use on your comments (that’s how it matches it up).
  • Upload a picture, crop and resize it as you wish, and save to get it going.

It’s that easy – so what’s the inside deal on them?

  • Pictures grab – so gravatars make your comment stand out by using them.
  • Knowing (and using Gravatars) makes you appear more professional and tech ‘hip’.
  • And of course if you want more than one image, use more than one email address – perfect if you’re commenting for different reasons (dog blogs for your dog site, fish blogs for your fish site, etc.). The picture then matches your focus.
  • And keep it clean. It’s possible to have an X-rated image, however, I’d really hate to see it on a blog without warning. So will others. You might even get a comment deleted or rejected for it. So keep it clean, and you’ll attract more positive attention.

For just a few minute’s work, you can add it to all your comments – so give a Gravatar (or two) a try!

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