7 Things to Automate in WordPress with the Help of Plugins

7 Things to Automate in WordPress with the Help of Plugins
7 Things to Automate in WordPress with the Help of Plugins

In addition to the fact that WordPress is the most popular blogging engine, it is also a full-fledged open-source content management system. WordPress is famous for its blogging capabilities, but as a CMS, it can do just about anything. For example, you can make a forum, a photo gallery, a directory of sites, a news site, and much more. And with the help of plugins, you can help you automate literary any processes.

How to Automate Work in WordPress?

Either before or after you have created and set up your site, you realize how much you need to control and how many functions to manage for its stable operation. But fortunately, there is a solution to delegate some processes to plugins that will do an excellent job with automating many functions.

Consider the following 7 options for automating work in the WordPress engine.


WordPress developers have to constantly work on finding vulnerabilities and eliminate them in order to strengthen the security of the system. Therefore, when updating, you not only add new functions and capabilities to the engine but also “heal” your system from found loopholes for hackers. WordPress cares about its customers and releases such updates regularly; they are displayed as notifications in the control panel. By default, automatic updating of the engine, plugins, and themes is disabled, but this can be configured.

Plugins will allow you to manage all engine updates, saving your productive time.But updating the system can bring bad consequences. Namely, not joining versions of different plugins with the engine, or updating with an error (failure on the server). That is why it is very important for you to configure the next process from the list.

Data Backup

In order to keep your data safe, you need to make regular backups. And how often this needs to be done depends on the frequency of updating the content. But, even if you make a backup once a month, it’s best to set this to an automatic process. If your site is often updated with materials, then this setting is extremely important.

For better security, you should keep several backups in different places, then the likelihood of recovering your site will increase significantly. It is best to install an additional plugin and configure backups to the clouds.


A very useful feature for bloggers is auto-posting, as often posts are created in advance and with margin, and published on a schedule. By default, the admin panel already has a built-in function that allows you to publish notes at any time you plan. It’s convenient when you do not have a very large number of posts and it’s not difficult to set a release date for them. And when your blog has a content strategy and it is replenished very often with new materials, the built-in feature will not be the most convenient. Since, in order to change the publication date of several articles, you will need to go into each and do this. Plugins can do a much better job in such situations.

Sharing Posts on Social Media

Separately filling materials with the blog and pages of all social networks takes a lot of time. It is necessary to go to each page, create a post, arrange it, and set up auto-posting. Thanks to the plugin for the automation of posting and sharing in social media, you can share content automatically to social media profiles and free your schedule from routine work.

Booking Automation

If you already hold any events or are going to do it, then you undoubtedly wondered about the organization of the process of selling access to them by distributing tickets among visitors. It doesn’t matter what scale of the event you are conducting or are going to hold the essence, it always remains one thing – you have to sell the place, and the visitor – get your ticket and confidence that his place will not be taken. Modern technology allows us to bring this process to full automation. There are plugins that automate the booking process and allow you to organize on your website a convenient and modern system of booking seats for events and automate the process of distributing tickets to visitors in exchange for their money.

Database Optimization

Over time, when you add more and more new material to your site, the database begins to overflow and this, accordingly, triggers problems with its operation. An important part of good website maintenance is the regular cleaning of the database. This allows you to speed up the site due to faster response and download information. Do not forget that for the automatic cleaning of the database, it is also very important to observe regular backups.

Checking Broken Links

Over time, it often happens that the links that you posted in the materials of your site cease to be active. This is not very good both for your readers and for the SEO indicator of your site. But how to find broken links at home? It is clear that it will be physically impossible to go through all your notes every time to check the links are working. But, as always, plugin developers are saving us. In just a few clicks, we can download and configure such a check at home.

Final Word
Once you start automating WordPress tasks, periodically check that they are executed correctly. Plugins are a great way to save time, but you also need to keep track of them. You should always install their updates and check for compatibility with your version of WordPress.

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