Common web acronyms

Common web acronyms
Common web acronyms

ASP – Active Server Pages
Active Server Pages, a scripting language used by Microsoft IIS web servers for web-based applications.

CGM (Consumer Generated Media)
Consumer Generated Media refers to posts made by consumers to support or oppose products, web sites, or companies, which are very powerful when it comes to company image. It can reach a large audience and, therefore, may change your business overnight. .

COA (Cost of Acquisition)
Cost of Acquisition is how much it costs to acquire a conversion (desired action), such as a sale.

CPA (Cost per Acquisition)
Cost per Acquisition (sometimes called Cost Per Action), is the total cost of an ad campaign divided by the number of conversions. For example, if a campaign cost $100 and resulted in 5 conversions, the CPA is $20 ($100 / 5). It cost $20 to generate one conversion.

CPC (Cost per Click)
Cost per click is the amount search engines charge advertisers for every click that sends a searcher to the advertiser’s web site. For an advertiser, CPC is the total cost for each click-through received when its ad is clicked on.

CPO (Cost per Order)
Acronym for Cost Per Order. The dollar amount of advertising or marketing necessary to acquire an order. Calculated by dividing marketing expenses by the number of orders. Also referred to as CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). Same as CPS (Cost per sale).

CTA (Content Targeted Advertising)
Content Targeted Ad(vertising) refers to the placement of relevant PPC ads on content pages for non-search engine websites.

CTR (Click Through Rate)
Click Through Rate is the number of clicks that an ad gets, divided by the total number of times that ad is displayed or served. (Represented as: total clicks / total impressions for a specific ad = CTR). For example, if an ad has 100 impressions and 6 clicks, the CTR is 6%.

DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion)
Dynamic Keyword Insertion is the insertion of the EXACT keywords a searcher included in his or her search request in the returned ad title or description. As an advertiser, you have bid on a table or cluster of these keyword variations, and DKI makes your ad listings more relevant to each searcher.

eCPM (Effective cost per thousand)
Effective cost per thousand is a hybrid Cost-Per-Click (CPC) auction calculated by multiplying the CPC times the click-through rate (CTR), and multiplying that by one thousand. (Represented by: (CPC x CTR) x 1000 = eCPM.) This monetization model is used by Google to rank site-targeted CPM ads (in the Google content network) against keyword-targeted CPC

FFA (Free for All)
Stands for “Free for All” link pages. These are not search engines or directories. They are, for the most part, pages that simply take URL submissions that usually stay active for a period of time. A submission is placed at the top of their list and then moved down, and eventually out

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
Key Performance Indicator/s are metrics used to quantify objectives that reflect the strategic performance of your online marketing campaigns. They provide business and marketing intelligence to assess a measurable objective and the direction in which that objective is headed.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)
Latent Semantic Indexing is a way for search systems to mathematically understanding and representing language based on the similarity of pages and keyword co-occurance. A relevant result may not even have the search term in it.

PFI (Pay for Inclusion)
Abbreviation for Pay For Inclusion. Many search engines offer a PFI program to assure frequent spidering / indexing of a site (or page). PFI does not guarantee that a site will be ranked highly (or at all) for a given search term. It just offers webmasters the opportunity to quickly incorporate changes to a site

Pay for Performance – P4P / PFP Pay per Click – PPC is a pricing model which most search ads and many contextual ad programs are sold through. PPC ads only charge advertisers if a potential customer clicks on an ad.

PPCSE (Pay per Click Search Engine)
Search engine that runs Pay-Per-Click programs to get advertisers to pay to be at the top of the SERP’s. Honest PPC search engines clearly define what ads are paid for, and what ads are “natural”.

PR (Page Rank)
Page Rank is the Google technology developed at Stanford University for placing importance on pages and web sites. At one point, PageRank (PR) was a major factor in rankings. Today it is one of hundreds of factors in the algorithm that determines a page’s rankings.

PSA (Public Service Announcement)
Public Service Announcement would be free advertising usually given to Non-Profit organizations.

ROAS (Return on Advertising Spending)
Return On Advertising Spending is the profit generated by ad campaign conversions per dollar spent on advertising expenses. It is calculated by dividing advertising-driven profit by ad spending.

ROI (Return on Investment)
Return on Investment is the amount of money you make on your ads compared to the amount of money you spend on your ads. For example, if you spend $100 on PPC ads and make $150 from those ads, then your ROI would be 50%. (Calculated as: ($150 – $100) / 100 = $50 / 100 […]

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication)
Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication is a family of web feed formats that leverages XML for distributing and sharing headlines and information from other web content (also known as syndication). RSS feeds allow the user to have new content delivered to a computer or mobile device as soon as it is published.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This is the process of editing a web site’s content and code in order to improve visibility within one or more search engines. When this term is used to describe an individual, it stands for “Search Engine Optimizer” or one who performs SEO.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
Search Engine Marketing is a form of internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). SEM methods include: search engine optimization (SEO), paid placement, contextual advertising, digital asset optimization, and paid inclusion. When this term is used to describe an individual, it stands for “Search Engine Marketer”

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
Search Engine Results Page, the page delivered to a searcher that displays the results of a search query entered into the search field. Displays both paid ad (sponsored) and organic listings in varying positions or rank.

SSP (Search Submit Pro)
Search Submit Pro is Yahoo!’s paid inclusion product that uses a “feed” tactic. With Search Submit Pro, Yahoo! crawls your web site as well as an optimized XML feed that represents the content on your site. Yahoo! applies its algorithm to both the actual web site pages and the XML feed to determine which listing to display

TLP (Top Level Page)
Top Level Page is a reference to the home page, category pages, or product pages that have unique value for the site and so are structured in the top levels of the site directory.

UGC (User Generated Content)
User Generated Content is the term used to describe any form of content such as blogs, videos, discussion forum posts, digital images, audio files, and any other forms of media that was created by consumers or end-users of an online system or service and is publicly available to other consumers and end-users.

URL (Universal Resource Locator)
Universal Resource Locator is a website address. Example:

USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
Unique Selling Proposition is the factor or proposition presented by a seller as the reason that one’s product or service is different from and better than that of the competition or others in a similar business segment.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Extensible Markup Language is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML, used to make it easy to syndicate or format information using technologies such as RSS. Example: Acronyms SEO This is the process of editing a web site’s content and code in order to improve visibility within one or more web pages

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